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Official Release! 110th Anniversary Logo of Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University

Feb 05,2024Click:

In 2024, Xiangya School of Medicine at Central South University is marking its 110th year of operation. To bring together the strength of Central South, unite alumni from all over, and plan for a bright future, the school asked for submissions for its 110th-anniversary logo from current students and staff, retirees, alumni worldwide, and people from various communities in December 2023. After careful selection, including screening, online voting, and overall evaluation, the winning design has been chosen and is now the official 110th-anniversary logo for Xiangya School of Medicine.

Theme Logo:

Design Idea and Meaning:

The logo draws inspiration from the original gate of Xiangya School of Medicine during its early years in the last century, emphasizing the institution's rich history. The numbers "110" are artfully integrated into the shape of the historic school gate, creating a subtle negative space that forms the number "110," symbolizing the essence of Xiangya School of Medicine's 110 years of education. Rooted in history and meaningful symbols, the logo invites us to reflect on the institution's journey, celebrate its achievements, and collectively shape a brighter future.

How the Logo Will Be Used:

1. Central South University owns all rights to the 110th-anniversary logo of Xiangya School of Medicine, including the design and text.

2. The logo will be used on equipment, memorabilia, cultural materials, certificates, and other items related to the 110th-anniversary activities of Xiangya School of Medicine.

3. When using the logo, it should remain intact, accurate, and follow specified standards. Any changes are not allowed.

4. Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, is responsible for managing the use of the logo. No one is allowed to use the logo without permission. Alumni, internal units, and students can use it for activities related to the 110th anniversary but not for commercial purposes. Legal action will be taken against any infringement of the logo's intellectual property rights.

As we celebrate the 110th anniversary of Xiangya School of Medicine, let’s come together at Central South University to shape an even brighter future for this esteemed institution!